Sunday, 28 December 2008

Magic Weight Loss

Magic Weight Loss
Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:00 am LynneE

When I went to get my back sorted last week Tracey reminded me of a kinseology session I’d had with her last year. It showed up wheat intolerance so I decided the magic weight loss cure would be to cut out wheat. I’ve had no bread, pastry, pasta or pizzas. I have had noodles, silly person that I am thought egg noodles were made from eggs and didn’t realise they contained wheat. So the upshot is I’ve dramatically cut my wheat intake and lost 4lbs. I know it’s not a sustainable amount to lose but it is the kick start I’ve been after for a while. From someone who was constantly hungry, last week I had to be reminded to eat. I haven’t trained for two weeks. My back is pretty much sorted. I decided to run on Saturday, then changed my mind as I thought I’d better edge back in gradually. I walked to the gym. It was shut. I walked back home. When I got back Morgan was awake and it was throwing it down so.. the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sunday I’d arranged to watch my nephew on parade. I had a totally bazaar experience. I was sick. I don’t just mean felt unwell I had projectile vomit. I didn’t feel ill before. I didn’t feel ill after. Just a totally unexplainable incident. My cold has gone but I’ve still got a cough that is well and truly chesty. Coughing makes my throat sore. I’ve lost my voice( hooray shouts husband!) The coughing is keeping me awake so I am knackered.. Back on the Echinacea for a fortnight me thinks. Realistically loosing this much training time I’m not going to be able to race the borders but I will run it and it just means my half plan won’t need a taper or recovery so that’s got to be good? On the work front decided last Thursday to put the plan into action to tout for business but fortunately or unfortunately the phone began to ring with responses to the numerous jobs I have applied for. There are 7 possibilities in the pipeline at the moment. I’ve had to go in to register with various agencies. It feels very much like a waste of time but I can’t not do it as I don’t know who might be the agency to find me my dream job. I’ve got an interview on Thursday so fingers crossed and… I’m still in the enviable position that Boots and Evans ( that’s the big bird’s clothes, as opposed to bike shop!) are still recruiting seasonal staff,) I was advised yesterday to contact the AAT and CIMA as I may qualify for exemptions because of my experience.

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