Sunday, 28 December 2008

Blame The Weather (NOT)

Blame The Weather (NOT)
Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:41 pm LynneE

Monday – by the time I’d de-iced the car was too late to go to the gym Tuesday - 40 mins gym bike Wednesday – due to run with Sue – frozen pavements and black ice so bottled it ( Sue still ran which kind if proves why’s she’s an ironman and I’m not, or never will be!) Thursday – forgot to reset my alarm Friday- same as Thursday Saturday – made a conscious decision to finish the Christmas shopping rather than train So a pathetic week at the time I cant afford a pathetic week. Other things that have been going on.. (and no they’re not excuses!) Cough and cold getting worse instead of better so decided to give in and got some antibiotics. Tuesday my friend Lesley fell on black ice in her work’s car park and cracked her head. Wednesday hubby slipped on ice on our back path and had a mega panic because if he had been seriously injured Morgan would have been “home alone” Wednesday night had a discussion with Lesley about a local by-pass. It’s 3 lanes and I hate three lanes. The previous week I followed a car, obviously a stranger to the area who crawled at 30mph. OK his choice but a motorbike and car chose to overtake us both. Still no great problem until the 30 mph car decided to do a U turn half way down where there was a lay by. If we were being overtaken at this stage the consequences would have been dire. On Friday, not realising there was black ice I braked and slid into the path of a cement mixer fortunately stopping with inches to spare. On Friday afternoon an elderly couple were killed at the spot me and Lesley had been talking about. Another 2 people are seriously injured and a 17 year old has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. 10 weeks to my “A” race I’m miles, literally, behind schedule so I can either give up now or… Decided the hilly route I did with Sue is well lit so there’s nothing to stop me running it in the mornings (no excuses for de-icing my car.) So if I drop the swim until after Christmas add an extra run and only do 2 shortish gym bike sessions I should be back on track. Did an interval 5k this morning on ice so there’s a start.

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