Saturday, 19 September 2009

First Ever 10k

After Llanrwst I started working full time – a first since 2005. On the Friday night I stayed up until stupid o’clock, like a mother hen watching Matt Malloy home safe in the World's from The Gold Coast.

Sunday morning my alarm went at 5:15 and I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. I had pins and needles in my hands and feet, every bone in my body ached and I knew there was no way I’d make Bala for 6:45 to marshal. I reset the alarm for another hour banking on feeling better. It didn’t happen. I sent a text to one of the other girls marshalling for Wrecsam Tri with my apologies and slept soundly until 10:30 and felt fit as a fiddle. No explanations, no repercussions I have no idea why my body wouldn’t function but it wouldn’t.

This week I’ve pretty much stuck to the plan but was dreading this morning’s attempt at the 10k that I will race in 2 weeks time.

Legs felt like lead by the time I got to the end of our road and I started contemplating the cut backs. I intended to do this 10k last year and ended up doing the Fun Run with the kids instead. I’ve withdrawn from 2 of the 3 Tri’s I’ve entered this year and that’s when the “bloody well run Lynne” kicked in. I found 2 loops really difficult but by talking to myself and convincing myself I have run longer I did it. With a negative split to boot. (6 minutes slower than the person who was last in 2008)

Legs were a tad sore and I was extremely grateful I’d had the foresight to book an hour’s sports massage.

The thing is now I’ve run 10K, I’ve run this 10K and I will never not be able to do it again.

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