Sunday, 14 June 2009

Bala Middle 2009

Alarm goes off at 5:15. Can’t quite work out what day it is, where I am or why I’m so tired. Then the penny drops and I’m up like a lark. Forecast was good but it’s still difficult to know what to pack. So I wore a running vest with a T shirt over and my hi vis and took my Tri Talk cycling jersey, plus a hoodie, plus a fleece, plus waterproofs (have I ever mentioned I used to be a Girl Guide)

Absolutely glorious morning. Great roads over the moors and then the views of the mist over the fields. It’s as if the clouds have come down to kiss the earth and forgotten when to stop.

Arrived at the leisure centre and parked up. There was no one stopping cars coming in so I talked myself into that job then moved my car lakeside when the cavalry arrived.

Managed a quick chat to Doonhamer and then off to registration.

Was allocated body marking which is just about one of the best jobs. Never had so many blokes drop their trousers for me! (Transition Ted refused!). It was very interesting to see so many fantastic tattoos. It was also interesting to see so much scar tissue! KennyBoy introduced himself and then it was outside.

My absolute idol the amazing Rhian Roxborough asked “lil old me” to do her up. Exciting stuff.

Managed to see the first two waves off before assisting with the counting out of the swim which for me consisted of shouting well done’s and attempting to take pictures. Even though I knew a lot of competitors quite well it is difficult to recognise them in wetsuits with goggles and swimming hats. Rhian had a fantastic swim.

There was just time to grab a quick bite to eat (can highly recommend the pasta from the organic van) and then back to transition to shout the bike out. A bit eerie is transition without any bikes. We weren’t plagued by magpies this year but crows and a very nice family of ducks.

The first TriTalker back was poet. It was announced over the tannoy that he was in transition. I watched waiting to give the shout out. Couldn’t quite work out what he was doing but it included eating, drinking, stretching, kissing someone through the fence. I was gutted. I thought he’d had a DNF and then next thing he flies out like a rocket. Left me a bit speechless!

Rhian was back quick but with another lady hot on her heals.

Tim B comes in and I get my phone out. I’m a bit prone to pressing the button too late so this time I erm.. pressed it too early.

Transition Ted’s in and out pretty smartish then Reproman comes in and I’m screaming at him – tell you what matey you need to go to specsavers – they do hearing tests there now.

Lance my wonderful swim coach comes in and is suffering badly with cramp. I really thought he wasn’t going to start the run but he did.

Good to be able to hear the finishing results. Really disappointed that Rhian’s not first lady, then she’s not second either. Eventually she comes in 5th and has to be supported by Rocky through transition. She sustained the injury at 2 miles into the run and should have quit but in true Tri style didn’t.

Moved from transition to the run finish mostly to watch the finishers but ended up stopping pedestrians when runners were coming in.

Fabulous day. Fantastic effort by ALL who competed. Very nice to be thanked by so many. Highlight of the day was a hug off a lady who I stopped going onto the run with her helmet on.

I really want to do this next year.

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