Saturday, 14 March 2009

Life I A Rollercoaster

Amazing really the things that can happen in 2 weeks?

The whole family caught a sickness bug and it spread like the falling dominos; one recovered the next one got it. I fortunately only lost a day’s training.

I actually managed an hours swim session. It was a great evaluation session as it highlighted how strength and stamina from other training has carried over but…. My technique is so poor I am really swimming inefficiently. As if by magic my friend’s sister’s partner is a personal trainer and swimming coach and she has agreed to give me lessons.

Ice curtailed a scheduled brick session so I ran instead and the following day, still too icy to ride I ended up doing a static bike gym session.

I went to see Snow Patrol in The Echo arena in Liverpool. They were absolutely awesome. I’d forgotten how fabulous live music really is and unbelievably I’d forgotten just how much I loved Snow Patrol.

So from the high of the buzz from the concert the rollercoaster that is Lynne’s life plunged to the very bottom.

This is not the place to go into detail. Let’s just say nobody died, the kids are fine but if you go snooping in your husband’s phone you have to deal with what you find.

I’ve completely wasted a week. Line drawn under it and move on.

6 weeks to Chirk. Light mornings, light nights, totally focussed and no distractions.

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