Sunday, 8 February 2009

Snow Joke

Snow Joke
Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:57 pm LynneE

So I hurt my knee. So I rested. So my hip hurt. Without training my ankle swelled and I was back down that slippery slope of doing nothing. This was obviously compounded by the weather. I’d given myself a 2 week run lay off but I had intended to bike and swim but it just didn’t happen. No real excuses except that the roads were pretty bad.

Defining moments:-

I must paraphrase my husband’s

“ For flipping hecks sake Lynne will you get out and run and come back in a better mood?”

Morgan’s took the biscuit:-

“Have you got a baby in your tummy Mummy?”

“No Morgan, why?”

“Because Auntie Corrine (playgroup supervisor) has a big tummy and she’s got a baby in hers”

Well… come hell or high water I was getting out today. The forecast wasn’t too bad and I thought as long as we didn’t have a hard frost I’d be ok.. It had snowed overnight which was good as it had obviously warmed up and I could run on the fresh snow.

I thought it was impossible for anyone to run any slower than I usually did. I was wrong. I was just extremely grateful for whoever posted the thread for trail shoes for a tenner. They were just the job. Told Mark when I got back felt like I was running through treacle. His obvious response was “I wouldn’t know I’ve never run through treacle!” Doh!

Best thing about it? A snow plough lifted its bucket sp I didn’t get drenched. A fabulous red sun rise which had turned yellow by the time I got my camera out.

The worst thing? 200 yards from home a 4X4 dived for a lake of a puddle and I was dripping drenched

1 comment:

Sara Cox Landolt said...

6 months of training! excellent. Are you following a formal plan, or working out with a tri club?

Running/exercise always brightens my day too. It helps me be a better/happier wife, mom, friend etc.

I hope your injuries recover and your training goes well this year.