Sunday, 4 October 2009

Pathetic End To A Pathetic Season

“Never say. “Never again.” Say, “Not if I can help it.” Don’t make promises to yourself that you probably can’t keep. Because if there’s one thing worse than being let down by something or someone, it is being let down by yourself. So get into a position where that can’t happen. Set your heart on goals that truly inspire you. Reach for big dreams on the understanding that if you can’t catch them, you will forgive yourself and try again. Then start working on the assumption that the best is yet to come. You have not made a mistake you’ve a move that has yet to pay off. But you may yet be glad of it.” ~ Jonathan Cainer ~ Weekend Magazine 3 October 2009

Not felt too good since the last blog entry. Can’t say I’ve been ill but I’ve had the start of a cold that couldn’t make it’s mind up. I’ve trained but not wanting to make myself really ill for today’s 10k not as often or not as hard as I should have.

Woke up feeling totally awful yesterday. Headache, sore throat, sneezing for Britain, coughing for Wales and decided I’d have to bite the bullet and see if I could run. I did half of today’s 10k and felt much better after but, my ankle decided to swell. It’s the one that’s pinned and plated and for no apparent reason at weird and wonderful times it just swells. Thought about not doing and doing the Rhyl one instead in 3 weeks but then thought I might find an excuse for not doing that too.

Got up at 7 this morning to watch Ironman UK. Felt fine and then for no apparent reason threw up. Nerves probably.

Popped down to the Sport’s Centre to register which is literally a stones throw from home.

Went back home and nerves totally wiped me out and I don’t know why. I’ve run the distance. I know the route. I’m expecting to be last by a long way so what’s the problem?

Got back to the Sport’s Centre in plenty of time. Got to chat to lots of people who kept telling me I’d be fine (thanks Mr & Mrs Transition Ted). Saw a lad who I was in school with and I haven’t seen since we left (29 years ago) it was good to have a catch up. Had a nice little chat with my ex fiancé and his wife whose daughter was doing it. Met Phil, my 60year old work colleague on the start line. Got chatting to a group of women who’d set themselves a 90 minute target with some serious walks up the inclines and began to feel much better.

The horn went and we were off. I always struggle till I get my second wind but it just didn’t happen. The crowds were fantastic. The marshals were amazing. I was clapped and cheered and encouraged but I felt awful. I could see the walking women in front of me. I was running and not making any impact.

The leaders overtook me before I was half way round the first lap, it started to rain, I saw my kids and decided then to call it a day.

I didn’t cry.

Today wasn’t my day. This hasn’t been my year.

School report – must do better next time.

PS There's always the Rhyl 10k in 3 weeks and a new Tri in Pwllheli on 21 November
PPS These are the BEST pics - I don't do mirrors and JMark and the kids have had major tellings off for letting me go out in t5hat state. I knew I was FAT but Not THAT fat!


Rhian said...

Keep it going Lynne, Rhyl 10km in a few weeks time sounds just up your street. Its a flat route I think, my mum is doing it. I may, it depends on if there is XCountry or not. But do it, do it do it!! Maybe see you there xRhi

Life of Lynne said...

Changed my mind already Rhian. Going to do the Helena Tipping in Wrexham on 6 December instead and The Village Bakery half on 21 February.

Mary Andrews said...

Just keep in mind, you are trying which is more than can be said for a lot of people. Just keep on practicing over the winter and you may just surprise yourself next year.