Monday, 10 October 2011

I'M Back

“She said his life would be like walking upstream in a rushing river. The secret was to take small steps and just keep moving forward. If he tried to take too big a step, the current would knock him off his feet and carry him back downstream”

Louis Sacher – Small Steps

Two weeks before my 44th Birthday, weighing 16 and a half stone I decided I was going to d o a triathlon. With fantastic support I lost a stone and a half and completed Chirk 3rd from last.

I’ve put back on that stone and a half plus another stone and a half and let my fitness slide.

Now 6 weeks before my 48th Birthday I’m starting again.

In 8 weeks I will do a 10K.

In April I will complete Chirk without walking any of the run and not coming in the bottom 10.

In June I will complete Bala whether my chip jets taken off me after the bike or not.

By the end of 2012 I will have run a Marathon.

Follow my journey. I can promise blood, sweat, tears and tantrums. There will be lows but the highs will be higher.

Tomorrow I take my first small step

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