Sunday, 4 July 2010

Deva Diva's Two Weeks and Counting

Such a long time…

Deva Diva’s two weeks today so how’s it going?

Swim – I swam the 750m race distance two weeks ago and was absolutely fine so one big tick there. I must swim more though and get some coaching. There’s a big difference to a shallow, warm, mere to Bala in September.

Run – it’s a pancake flat out and back (twice) grass run around the mere. I’ve been practicing on the football pitch across the road from our house. It’s soul destroyingly boring but I’ve got a big fat tick there too. I’m not losing sight of the bigger picture either, Conwy half in November and am getting long and hilly in too.

Bike – well tenacious as I am I gave up with toe clips and opted for SPD’s. With the words “you will fall off “ echoing in my ears was mighty chuffed to say the least to have got round my first attempt unscathed and quite frankly wondered what all the fuss was about. Turned into our street, unclipped, came to stop, realised my right foot had clipped back in. Wasn’t worried because we have railings I can grab, grabbed the railings and fell off spectacularly. Horrible cut to my knee and elbow. Second attempt, chain came off and I fell off in a far more elegant and sophisticated manor. Third attempt, got all the way round, couldn’t turn right into our road as there was a car right up my backside (yes I know I had right of way and should have anyway) so I carried on to the next junction. There was a bus stopped. There was a bus coming in the other direction. I dithered and fell off, in the middle of town. What made it worse was a really old man with a white stick came rushing to my rescue. All I could say was “I’ll be fine. I do it all the time.” I haven’t fallen off this week and shock, horrors I even overtook someone this morning.

Me – I’ve had the kick up the backside I’ve needed for a long time. My heart rate was spiking and I knew things weren’t what they should be. I had a severe bout of gastroenteritis. When I went to the doctors he booked me in to see the nurse for a full MOT and ECG. The ECG was fine but my blood pressure was high at 160 over 110. She told me in no uncertain terms I must lose weight. I went back 2 weeks later it was down slightly but I’d gained a kg. The results of my blood tests were back. Cholesterol, Thyroid, blood sugar were all fine but I have a fatty liver. Wake up call Lynne! I went back to Slimming World last Monday and have lost 5lbs so far this week. I’ve got to go back to see the nurse a week on Wednesday and if my blood pressure hasn’t dropped to under 90 for the bottom one I’ve got to take medication. I will take whatever I’m told to take but I really don’t want to and am determined to control it naturally.

1 comment:

Rhian said...

Good on yer Girl!! Good luck with Deva Diva, is it this weekend??? I will read to see how you get on:)